Technology Standards
A 2021 committee of over 50 MPS teachers and administrators, representing each grade level, put together these "one-pager" set of skills for each grade PK-12, combining ISTE's standards with our own goals and expectations for our MPS students.
Elementary - MPS Custom ISTE Scope & Sequence for Students
Junior High - MPS Custom ISTE Scope & Sequence for Students
High School - MPS Custom ISTE Scope & Sequence for Students
*MPS Custom ISTE Teacher Standards
Custom MPS Standards for Teachers to teach and learn with technology.
Elementary Technology Curriculum Ideas
ISTE Standards for Students Our students are at the center of everything we do. As educators, our foremost goal is to prepare them for their future. The ISTE Standards describe the skills and knowledge they need to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly global and digital society.
ISTE Standards for Teachers The ISTE Standards for Teachers define the new skills and pedagogical insights educators need to teach, work and learn in the digital age.
ISTE Standards for Computer Science Teachers The ISTE Standards for Computer Science Teachers describe what computer science teachers must know and be able to do to help students effectively integrate these essential concepts.
ISTE Standards for Administrators ISTE Standards for Administrators guide administrators in supporting digital age learning, creating technology-rich learning environments and leading the transformation of the educational landscape.