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Device Ownership

Moore Public Schools retains sole ownership of all devices and grants permission to the student to use the device per the rules and guidelines set forth in this handbook, the Device Acceptance Agreement, and the district’s Responsible Use Policy. Failure to adhere to these policies and guidelines can result in disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by MPS policy including, but not limited to, revocation of access to MPS technologies and networks and/or device confiscation.

MPS reserves the right to monitor and log the use of its technology and network by users and examine user files and materials when deemed necessary. MPS staff retain the right to collect, inspect, and/or confiscate the device at any time, including via electronic remote access and to alter, add, or delete installed software. There is no expectation of privacy while using MPS computers, networks, or technology (MPS Board Policy 2000.2260).

Permission to use the device extends to school breaks and holidays, including summer. For record keeping purposes, MPS reserves the right to audit devices at any time.

Students who need device repair or replacement during the summer should submit a ticket to Incident IQ—the same process they use during school months, or contact MPS Technology at 405-735-4023.