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Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is the student information system where attendance, grades, transcripts, and other student records are housed. You can access IC from any computer. Access IC at or from the district website under "Staff" in the navigation menu at the top of the page.  

Infinite Campus (IC): [Username: 6 Digit Employee ID# | Default Password]

After signing in for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password and enter an email for account recovery in case you forget your password. Change your password to match your district password and enter your district email address for account recovery.

Once you're ready to dive into Infinite Campus and set up your gradebook, please seek training from the IC Coach for your building. The links below offer some information on the basics of Infinite Campus.

General Info

How can I make sure my Canvas Gradebook will sync successfully with Infinite Campus?

For grades to successfully sync from Canvas to Infinite Campus, an assignment must have a due date, a unique title, and you must use the assign to everyone option when creating the assignment. Refer to the MPS Canvas Training Course to find the video "Syncing Grades to Infinite Campus" for more information.

  • PreK-1st grades: you do not need to sync your grades from Canvas to IC.
  • 2nd- 3rd grades: It would be easier if you did not crosslist your subject area sections, and instead only used your Homeroom section as your main course in Canvas. When you sync your grades they will show up as "Unassigned" in Infinite Campus. You will need to move them to the correct subject area sections in IC.
  • 4th-12th: If you combine two subject sections into one Canvas course, your grades may sync over as duplicates and as "Unassigned" in Infinite Campus. If you use Categories in Infinite Campus, you will probably want to set up the same categories in Canvas.
    In order for the sync from Canvas to IC to be successful, the following criteria must be met when building out assignments in Canvas:
    • It must have a Due date.
    • It must have a Unique Title.
    • It must be assigned to "Everyone".
    • “Sync to SIS” box must be selected in assignment details.
    • You have to sync your Canvas categories to where you want them to go in Infinite Campus. This video will show you how to get that setup.
  • Sync your grades from Canvas to IC on a weekly basis. If you wait until the end of the quarter/semester it will take a very long time to complete.
  • If you change any grades in IC, be sure to also change those grades in Canvas as well. Otherwise, your grades in IC will be overwritten the next time you sync.

Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade: Standards Based Grading

2nd-12th grades Gradebook