About Us
What MPS Technology Does For You
We believe that technology plays a crucial role in empowering students to excel academically and develop essential skills for the future. Moore Public Schools' Technology consists of two teams that strive daily to serve the needs of our patrons, The IT department and the EdTech department.
IT - Informational Technology
As part of our commitment to enhancing education for our students, teachers, and staff our IT department provides online access and equipment for teachers, students, and staff and supports the day to day maintenance and improvement of our network, systems, hardware, and cybersecurity.
To seek assistance from our IT department, please submit a help ticket using our Incident IQ ticketing system or email us at helpdesk@mooreschools.com.
Help Desk phone number and hours:
Mon-Fri, 7:30am - 4:00pm
Use the "Have You Tried?" checklist to help troubleshoot some basic computer problems.
If you are having other technical difficulties of any kind, please submit an Incident IQ ticket. Click here for instructions on How to Submit an Incident IQ Ticket
Technology Vision and Mission
Moore Public Schools Information Technology Department strives to have an infrastructure that is both firm in its security and flexible in its ability. We seek to provide a platform that can withstand the ever-changing threats that surface while still allowing our users the ability to take advantage of emerging technologies. Using wireless and mobile technology, used in conjunction with cloud-based and online resources, we seek to provide an adaptive technology platform for our instructional process.
Care, Commit, and Change lives of our students
Create connections
5 Year Goal
Create a "MOORE" SECURE district by focusing on our student's and staff's physical, digital, and emotional safety through technology
Data Governance
The District follows a comprehensive plan for securing our data that includes policies, administrative procedures, internal procedures, and practices.
We are establishing our Data Governance with more info about our practices, including a list of digital resources used in the district. We are currently working on receiving the Trusted Learning Environment Seal. For more information, please visit our Trusted Learning Environment page.
Internet Safety
In alignment with our goal to increase technology use among students, we have provided links to help parents and students grow more comfortable with technology and the etiquette needed for the Digital Age.
EdTech - Educational Technology
Our EdTech department provides the training and support our teachers, students, parents, and administration need to feel capable and confident in using the programs, software, apps, and extensions utilized across our district to create effective learning environments. To seek assistance from our EdTech department, please reach out to edtech@mooreschools.com or contact one of the individuals listed below in the column on the right.
EdTech Vision
Moore Public Schools' mission is to Shape Today's Students into Tomorrow's Leaders. The Educational Technology department believes that the only way we can do that is to work with all stakeholders to Prepare Students for What They Will Need to Know and Do NEXT. We do that by researching innovative and effective classroom technologies to positively enhance student learning, provide relevant professional development, and support the technology needs of staff and students across Moore Public Schools.